Stem Docs

Connection Utilities

Connection Utilities

Connection and networking based utility functions.

Module Overview:

download - download from a given url
get_connections - quieries the connections belonging to a given process
system_resolvers - provides connection resolution methods that are likely to be available
port_usage - brief description of the common usage for a port

is_valid_ipv4_address - checks if a string is a valid IPv4 address
is_valid_ipv6_address - checks if a string is a valid IPv6 address
is_valid_port - checks if something is a valid representation for a port
is_private_address - checks if an IPv4 address belongs to a private range or not

address_to_int - provides an integer representation of an IP address

expand_ipv6_address - provides an IPv6 address with its collapsed portions expanded
get_mask_ipv4 - provides the mask representation for a given number of bits
get_mask_ipv6 - provides the IPv6 mask representation for a given number of bits

Method for resolving a process' connections.

New in version 1.1.0.

Changed in version 1.4.0: Added NETSTAT_WINDOWS.

Changed in version 1.6.0: Added BSD_FSTAT.

Deprecated since version 1.6.0: The SOCKSTAT connection resolver is proving to be unreliable (ticket 23057), and will be dropped in the 2.0.0 release unless fixed.

Resolver Description
PROC /proc contents
NETSTAT netstat
NETSTAT_WINDOWS netstat command under Windows
SS ss command
LSOF lsof command
SOCKSTAT sockstat command under *nix
BSD_SOCKSTAT sockstat command under FreeBSD
BSD_PROCSTAT procstat command under FreeBSD
BSD_FSTAT fstat command under OpenBSD
class stem.util.connection.Connection[source]

Bases: stem.util.connection.Connection

Network connection information.

Changed in version 1.5.0: Added the is_ipv6 attribute.

  • local_address (str) -- ip address the connection originates from
  • local_port (int) -- port the connection originates from
  • remote_address (str) -- destionation ip address
  • remote_port (int) -- destination port
  • protocol (str) -- protocol of the connection ('tcp', 'udp', etc)
  • is_ipv6 (bool) -- addresses are ipv6 if true, and ipv4 otherwise, timeout=None, retries=None)[source]

Download from the given url.

New in version 1.8.0.

  • url (str) -- uncompressed url to download from
  • timeout (int) -- timeout when connection becomes idle, no timeout applied if None
  • retires (int) -- maximum attempts to impose

bytes content of the given url

Raises :
stem.util.connection.get_connections(resolver=None, process_pid=None, process_name=None)[source]

Retrieves a list of the current connections for a given process. This provides a list of Connection. Note that addresses may be IPv4 or IPv6 depending on what the platform supports.

New in version 1.1.0.

Changed in version 1.5.0: Made our resolver argument optional.

Changed in version 1.5.0: IPv6 support when resolving via proc, netstat, lsof, or ss.

  • resolver (Resolver) -- method of connection resolution to use, if not provided then one is picked from among those that should likely be available for the system
  • process_pid (int) -- pid of the process to retrieve
  • process_name (str) -- name of the process to retrieve

list of Connection instances

Raises :
  • ValueError if neither a process_pid nor process_name is provided
  • IOError if no connections are available or resolution fails (generally they're indistinguishable). The common causes are the command being unavailable or permissions.

Provides the types of connection resolvers likely to be available on this platform.

New in version 1.1.0.

Changed in version 1.3.0: Renamed from get_system_resolvers() to system_resolvers(). The old name still works as an alias, but will be dropped in Stem version 2.0.0.

Parameters:system (str) -- system to get resolvers for, this is determined by platform.system() if not provided
Returns:list of Resolver instances available on this platform

Provides the common use of a given port. For example, 'HTTP' for port 80 or 'SSH' for 22.

New in version 1.2.0.

Parameters:port (int) -- port number to look up
Returns:str with a description for the port, None if none is known

Checks if a string is a valid IPv4 address.

Parameters:address (str) -- string to be checked
Returns:True if input is a valid IPv4 address, False otherwise
stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(address, allow_brackets=False)[source]

Checks if a string is a valid IPv6 address.

  • address (str) -- string to be checked
  • allow_brackets (bool) -- ignore brackets which form '[address]'

True if input is a valid IPv6 address, False otherwise

stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(entry, allow_zero=False)[source]

Checks if a string or int is a valid port number.

  • entry (list,str,int) -- string, integer or list to be checked
  • allow_zero (bool) -- accept port number of zero (reserved by definition)

True if input is an integer and within the valid port range, False otherwise


Checks if the IPv4 address is in a range belonging to the local network or loopback. These include:

  • Private ranges: 10.*, 172.16.* - 172.31.*, 192.168.*
  • Loopback: 127.*

New in version 1.1.0.

Parameters:address (str) -- string to be checked
Returns:True if input is in a private range, False otherwise
Raises :ValueError if the address isn't a valid IPv4 address

Provides an integer representation of a IPv4 or IPv6 address that can be used for sorting.

New in version 1.5.0.

Parameters:address (str) -- IPv4 or IPv6 address
Returns:int representation of the address

Expands abbreviated IPv6 addresses to their full colon separated hex format. For instance...

>>> expand_ipv6_address('2001:db8::ff00:42:8329')

>>> expand_ipv6_address('::')

>>> expand_ipv6_address('::ffff:')
Parameters:address (str) -- IPv6 address to be expanded
Raises :ValueError if the address can't be expanded due to being malformed

Provides the IPv4 mask for a given number of bits, in the dotted-quad format.

Parameters:bits (int) -- number of bits to be converted
Returns:str with the subnet mask representation for this many bits
Raises :ValueError if given a number of bits outside the range of 0-32

Provides the IPv6 mask for a given number of bits, in the hex colon-delimited format.

Parameters:bits (int) -- number of bits to be converted
Returns:str with the subnet mask representation for this many bits
Raises :ValueError if given a number of bits outside the range of 0-128

Provides the types of connection resolvers likely to be available on this platform.

New in version 1.1.0.

Changed in version 1.3.0: Renamed from get_system_resolvers() to system_resolvers(). The old name still works as an alias, but will be dropped in Stem version 2.0.0.

Parameters:system (str) -- system to get resolvers for, this is determined by platform.system() if not provided
Returns:list of Resolver instances available on this platform