Stem Docs

Network Status Documents

Network Status Documents

Parsing for Tor network status documents. This supports both the v2 and v3 dir-spec. Documents can be obtained from a few sources...

... and contain the following sections...

For a great graphical overview see Jordan Wright's chart describing the anatomy of the consensus.

Of these, the router status entry section can be quite large (on the order of hundreds of kilobytes). As such we provide a couple of methods for reading network status documents through parse_file(). For more information see DocumentHandler()...

from stem.descriptor import parse_file, DocumentHandler

with open('.tor/cached-consensus', 'rb') as consensus_file:
  # Processes the routers as we read them in. The routers refer to a document
  # with an unset 'routers' attribute.

  for router in parse_file(consensus_file, 'network-status-consensus-3 1.0', document_handler = DocumentHandler.ENTRIES):
    print router.nickname

Module Overview:

NetworkStatusDocument - Network status document
  |- NetworkStatusDocumentV2 - Version 2 network status document
  |- NetworkStatusDocumentV3 - Version 3 network status document
  +- BridgeNetworkStatusDocument - Version 3 network status document for bridges

KeyCertificate - Certificate used to authenticate an authority
DocumentSignature - Signature of a document by a directory authority
DetachedSignature - Stand alone signature used when making the consensus
DirectoryAuthority - Directory authority as defined in a v3 network status document
class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.PackageVersion[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.networkstatus.PackageVersion

Latest recommended version of a package that's available.

  • name (str) -- name of the package
  • version (str) -- latest recommended version
  • url (str) -- package's url
  • digests (dict) -- mapping of digest types to their value
class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.SharedRandomnessCommitment[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.networkstatus.SharedRandomnessCommitment

Directory authority's commitment for generating the next shared random value.

  • version (int) -- shared randomness protocol version
  • algorithm (str) -- hash algorithm used to make the commitment
  • identity (str) -- authority's sha1 identity fingerprint
  • commit (str) -- base64 encoded commitment hash to the shared random value
  • reveal (str) -- base64 encoded commitment to the shared random value, None of not provided
class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DocumentDigest[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DocumentDigest

Digest of a consensus document.

New in version 1.8.0.

  • flavor (str) -- consensus type this digest is for (for example, 'microdesc')
  • algorithm (str) -- hash algorithm used to make the digest
  • digest (str) -- digest value of the consensus
class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocument(contents, lazy_load=False)[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.Descriptor

Common parent for network status documents.

digest(hash_type='SHA1', encoding='HEX')[source]

Digest of this descriptor's content. These are referenced by...

  • DetachedSignature

New in version 1.8.0.

  • hash_type (stem.descriptor.DigestHash) -- digest hashing algorithm
  • encoding (stem.descriptor.DigestEncoding) -- digest encoding

hashlib.HASH or str based on our encoding argument

class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV2(raw_content, validate=False)[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocument

Version 2 network status document. These have been deprecated and are no longer generated by Tor.

  • routers (dict) -- fingerprints to RouterStatusEntryV2 contained in the document
  • version (int) -- * document version
  • hostname (str) -- * hostname of the authority
  • address (str) -- * authority's IP address
  • dir_port (int) -- * authority's DirPort
  • fingerprint (str) -- * authority's fingerprint
  • contact (str) -- * authority's contact information
  • signing_key (str) -- * authority's public signing key
  • client_versions (list) -- list of recommended client tor version strings
  • server_versions (list) -- list of recommended server tor version strings
  • published (datetime) -- * time when the document was published
  • options (list) -- * list of things that this authority decides
  • signing_authority (str) -- * name of the authority signing the document
  • signature (str) -- * authority's signature for the document

* attribute is either required when we're parsed with validation or has a default value, others are left as None if undefined

TYPE_ANNOTATION_NAME = 'network-status-2'
classmethod content(attr=None, exclude=(), sign=False)[source]
class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocumentV3(raw_content, validate=False, default_params=True)[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocument

Version 3 network status document. This could be either a vote or consensus.

  • routers (dict) -- fingerprint to RouterStatusEntryV3 mapping for relays contained in the document
  • version (int) -- * document version
  • version_flavor (str) -- * flavor associated with the document (such as 'ns' or 'microdesc')
  • is_consensus (bool) -- * True if the document is a consensus
  • is_vote (bool) -- * True if the document is a vote
  • is_microdescriptor (bool) -- * True if this is a microdescriptor flavored document, False otherwise
  • valid_after (datetime) -- * time when the consensus became valid
  • fresh_until (datetime) -- * time when the next consensus should be produced
  • valid_until (datetime) -- * time when this consensus becomes obsolete
  • vote_delay (int) -- * number of seconds allowed for collecting votes from all authorities
  • dist_delay (int) -- * number of seconds allowed for collecting signatures from all authorities
  • client_versions (list) -- list of recommended client tor versions
  • server_versions (list) -- list of recommended server tor versions
  • packages (list) -- * list of PackageVersion entries
  • known_flags (list) -- * list of Flag for the router's flags
  • params (dict) -- * dict of parameter(str) => value(int) mappings
  • directory_authorities (list) -- * list of DirectoryAuthority objects that have generated this document
  • signatures (list) -- * DocumentSignature of the authorities that have signed the document

Consensus Attributes:

  • consensus_method (int) -- method version used to generate this consensus
  • bandwidth_weights (dict) -- dict of weight(str) => value(int) mappings
  • shared_randomness_current_reveal_count (int) -- number of commitments used to generate the current shared random value
  • shared_randomness_current_value (str) -- base64 encoded current shared random value
  • shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count (int) -- number of commitments used to generate the last shared random value
  • shared_randomness_previous_value (str) -- base64 encoded last shared random value

Vote Attributes:

  • consensus_methods (list) -- list of ints for the supported method versions
  • published (datetime) -- time when the document was published
  • flag_thresholds (dict) -- * mapping of internal performance thresholds used while making the vote, values are ints or floats
  • recommended_client_protocols (dict) -- recommended protocols for clients
  • recommended_relay_protocols (dict) -- recommended protocols for relays
  • required_client_protocols (dict) -- required protocols for clients
  • required_relay_protocols (dict) -- required protocols for relays
  • bandwidth_file_headers (dict) -- headers from the bandwidth authority that generated this vote
  • bandwidth_file_digest (dict) -- hashes of the bandwidth authority file used to generate this vote, this is a mapping of hash functions to their resulting digest value

* attribute is either required when we're parsed with validation or has a default value, others are left as None if undefined

Changed in version 1.4.0: Added the packages attribute.

Changed in version 1.5.0: Added the is_shared_randomness_participate, shared_randomness_commitments, shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count, shared_randomness_previous_value, shared_randomness_current_reveal_count, and shared_randomness_current_value attributes.

Changed in version 1.6.0: Added the recommended_client_protocols, recommended_relay_protocols, required_client_protocols, and required_relay_protocols attributes.

Changed in version 1.6.0: The is_shared_randomness_participate and shared_randomness_commitments were misdocumented in the tor spec and as such never set. They're now an attribute of votes in the directory_authorities.

Changed in version 1.7.0: The shared_randomness_current_reveal_count and shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count attributes were undocumented and not provided properly if retrieved before their shred_randomness_*_value counterpart.

Changed in version 1.7.0: Added the bandwidth_file_headers attributbute.

Changed in version 1.8.0: Added the bandwidth_file_digest attributbute.

classmethod content(attr=None, exclude=(), sign=False, authorities=None, routers=None)[source]
classmethod create(attr=None, exclude=(), validate=True, sign=False, authorities=None, routers=None)[source]

Checks if the current time is between this document's valid_after and valid_until timestamps. To be valid means the information within this document reflects the current network state.

New in version 1.8.0.

Returns:True if this consensus is presently valid and False otherwise

Checks if the current time is between this document's valid_after and fresh_until timestamps. To be fresh means this should be the latest consensus.

New in version 1.8.0.

Returns:True if this consensus is presently fresh and False otherwise

Validates we're properly signed by the signing certificates.

New in version 1.6.0.

Parameters:key_certs (list) -- KeyCertificates to validate the consensus against
Raises :ValueError if an insufficient number of valid signatures are present.

Checks if we meet the given consensus-method. This works for both votes and consensuses, checking our 'consensus-method' and 'consensus-methods' entries.

Parameters:method (int) -- consensus-method to check for
Returns:True if we meet the given consensus-method, and False otherwise
class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DirectoryAuthority(raw_content, validate=False, is_vote=False)[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.Descriptor

Directory authority information obtained from a v3 network status document.

Authorities can optionally use a legacy format. These are no longer found in practice, but have the following differences...

  • The authority's nickname ends with '-legacy'.
  • There's no contact or vote_digest attribute.
  • nickname (str) -- * authority's nickname
  • v3ident (str) -- * identity key fingerprint used to sign votes and consensus
  • hostname (str) -- * hostname of the authority
  • address (str) -- * authority's IP address
  • dir_port (int) -- * authority's DirPort
  • or_port (int) -- * authority's ORPort
  • is_legacy (bool) -- * if the authority's using the legacy format
  • contact (str) -- contact information, this is included if is_legacy is False

Consensus Attributes:

Variables:vote_digest (str) -- digest of the authority that contributed to the consensus, this is included if is_legacy is False

Vote Attributes:

  • legacy_dir_key (str) -- fingerprint of and obsolete identity key
  • key_certificate (stem.descriptor.networkstatus.KeyCertificate) -- * authority's key certificate
  • is_shared_randomness_participate (bool) -- * True if this authority participates in establishing a shared random value, False otherwise
  • shared_randomness_commitments (list) -- * list of SharedRandomnessCommitment entries
  • shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count (int) -- number of commitments used to generate the last shared random value
  • shared_randomness_previous_value (str) -- base64 encoded last shared random value
  • shared_randomness_current_reveal_count (int) -- number of commitments used to generate the current shared random value
  • shared_randomness_current_value (str) -- base64 encoded current shared random value

* mandatory attribute

Changed in version 1.4.0: Renamed our 'fingerprint' attribute to 'v3ident' (prior attribute exists for backward compatability, but is deprecated).

Changed in version 1.6.0: Added the is_shared_randomness_participate, shared_randomness_commitments, shared_randomness_previous_reveal_count, shared_randomness_previous_value, shared_randomness_current_reveal_count, and shared_randomness_current_value attributes.

classmethod create(attr=None, exclude=(), validate=True, sign=False, is_vote=False)[source]
classmethod content(attr=None, exclude=(), sign=False, is_vote=False)[source]
class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.KeyCertificate(raw_content, validate=False)[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.Descriptor

Directory key certificate for a v3 network status document.

  • version (int) -- * version of the key certificate
  • address (str) -- authority's IP address
  • dir_port (int) -- authority's DirPort
  • fingerprint (str) -- * authority's fingerprint
  • identity_key (str) -- * long term authority identity key
  • published (datetime) -- * time when this key was generated
  • expires (datetime) -- * time after which this key becomes invalid
  • signing_key (str) -- * directory server's public signing key
  • crosscert (str) -- signature made using certificate's signing key
  • certification (str) -- * signature of this key certificate signed with the identity key

* mandatory attribute

TYPE_ANNOTATION_NAME = 'dir-key-certificate-3'
classmethod content(attr=None, exclude=(), sign=False)[source]
class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DocumentSignature(method, identity, key_digest, signature, flavor=None, validate=False)[source]

Bases: object

Directory signature of a v3 network status document.

  • method (str) -- algorithm used to make the signature
  • identity (str) -- fingerprint of the authority that made the signature
  • key_digest (str) -- digest of the signing key
  • signature (str) -- document signature
  • flavor (str) -- consensus type this signature is for (such as 'microdesc'), None if for the standard consensus

validate (bool) -- checks validity if True

Raises :

ValueError if a validity check fails

class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.DetachedSignature(raw_content, validate=False)[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.Descriptor

Stand alone signature of the consensus. These are exchanged between directory authorities when determining the next hour's consensus.

Detached signatures are defined in section 3.10 of the dir-spec, and only available to be downloaded for five minutes between minute 55 until the end of the hour.

New in version 1.8.0.

  • consensus_digest (str) -- * digest of the consensus being signed
  • valid_after (datetime) -- * time when the consensus became valid
  • fresh_until (datetime) -- * time when the next consensus should be produced
  • valid_until (datetime) -- * time when this consensus becomes obsolete
  • additional_digests (list) -- * DocumentDigest for additional consensus flavors
  • additional_signatures (list) -- * DocumentSignature for additional consensus flavors
  • signatures (list) -- * DocumentSignature of the authorities that have signed the document

* mandatory attribute

TYPE_ANNOTATION_NAME = 'detached-signature-3'
classmethod content(attr=None, exclude=(), sign=False)[source]
class stem.descriptor.networkstatus.BridgeNetworkStatusDocument(raw_content, validate=False)[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.networkstatus.NetworkStatusDocument

Network status document containing bridges. This is only available through the metrics site.

  • routers (dict) -- fingerprint to RouterStatusEntryV3 mapping for relays contained in the document
  • published (datetime) -- time when the document was published
TYPE_ANNOTATION_NAME = 'bridge-network-status'