Stem Docs

Extrainfo Descriptor

Extrainfo Descriptor

Parsing for Tor extra-info descriptors. These are published by relays whenever their server descriptor is published and have a similar format. However, unlike server descriptors these don't contain information that Tor clients require to function and as such aren't fetched by default.

Defined in section 2.1.2 of the dir-spec, extra-info descriptors contain interesting but non-vital information such as usage statistics. Tor clients cannot request these documents for bridges.

Extra-info descriptors are available from a few sources...

  • control port via 'GETINFO extra-info/digest/*' queries
  • the 'cached-extrainfo' file in tor's data directory

Module Overview:

ExtraInfoDescriptor - Tor extra-info descriptor.
  |- RelayExtraInfoDescriptor - Extra-info descriptor for a relay.
  |- BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor - Extra-info descriptor for a bridge.
  +- digest - calculates the upper-case hex digest value for our content

Enumeration for known statuses for ExtraInfoDescriptor's dir_*_responses.

DirResponse Description
OK network status requests that were answered
NOT_ENOUGH_SIGS network status wasn't signed by enough authorities
UNAVAILABLE requested network status was unavailable
NOT_FOUND requested network status was not found
NOT_MODIFIED network status unmodified since If-Modified-Since time
BUSY directory was busy

Enumeration for known stats for ExtraInfoDescriptor's dir_*_direct_dl and dir_*_tunneled_dl.

DirStat Description
COMPLETE requests that completed successfully
TIMEOUT requests that didn't complete within a ten minute timeout
RUNNING requests still in process when measurement's taken
MIN smallest rate at which a descriptor was downloaded in B/s
MAX largest rate at which a descriptor was downloaded in B/s
D1-4 and D6-9 rate of the slowest x/10 download rates in B/s
Q1 and Q3 rate of the slowest and fastest quarter download rates in B/s
MD median download rate in B/s
class stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.ExtraInfoDescriptor(raw_contents, validate=False)[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.Descriptor

Extra-info descriptor document.

  • nickname (str) -- * relay's nickname
  • fingerprint (str) -- * identity key fingerprint
  • published (datetime) -- * time in UTC when this descriptor was made
  • geoip_db_digest (str) -- sha1 of the geoIP database file for IPv4 addresses
  • geoip6_db_digest (str) -- sha1 of the geoIP database file for IPv6 addresses
  • transport (dict) -- * mapping of transport methods to their (address, port, args) tuple, these usually appear on bridges in which case all of those are None

Bi-directional connection usage:

  • conn_bi_direct_end (datetime) -- end of the sampling interval
  • conn_bi_direct_interval (int) -- seconds per interval
  • conn_bi_direct_below (int) -- connections that read/wrote less than 20 KiB
  • conn_bi_direct_read (int) -- connections that read at least 10x more than wrote
  • conn_bi_direct_write (int) -- connections that wrote at least 10x more than read
  • conn_bi_direct_both (int) -- remaining connections

Bytes read/written for relayed traffic:

  • read_history_end (datetime) -- end of the sampling interval
  • read_history_interval (int) -- seconds per interval
  • read_history_values (list) -- bytes read during each interval
  • write_history_end (datetime) -- end of the sampling interval
  • write_history_interval (int) -- seconds per interval
  • write_history_values (list) -- bytes written during each interval

Cell relaying statistics:

  • cell_stats_end (datetime) -- end of the period when stats were gathered
  • cell_stats_interval (int) -- length in seconds of the interval
  • cell_processed_cells (list) -- measurement of processed cells per circuit
  • cell_queued_cells (list) -- measurement of queued cells per circuit
  • cell_time_in_queue (list) -- mean enqueued time in milliseconds for cells
  • cell_circuits_per_decile (int) -- mean number of circuits in a decile

Directory Mirror Attributes:

  • dir_stats_end (datetime) -- end of the period when stats were gathered
  • dir_stats_interval (int) -- length in seconds of the interval
  • dir_v2_ips (dict) -- mapping of locales to rounded count of requester ips
  • dir_v3_ips (dict) -- mapping of locales to rounded count of requester ips
  • dir_v2_share (float) -- percent of total directory traffic it expects to serve
  • dir_v3_share (float) -- percent of total directory traffic it expects to serve
  • dir_v2_requests (dict) -- mapping of locales to rounded count of requests
  • dir_v3_requests (dict) -- mapping of locales to rounded count of requests
  • dir_v2_responses (dict) -- mapping of DirResponse to their rounded count
  • dir_v3_responses (dict) -- mapping of DirResponse to their rounded count
  • dir_v2_responses_unknown (dict) -- mapping of unrecognized statuses to their count
  • dir_v3_responses_unknown (dict) -- mapping of unrecognized statuses to their count
  • dir_v2_direct_dl (dict) -- mapping of DirStat to measurement over DirPort
  • dir_v3_direct_dl (dict) -- mapping of DirStat to measurement over DirPort
  • dir_v2_direct_dl_unknown (dict) -- mapping of unrecognized stats to their measurement
  • dir_v3_direct_dl_unknown (dict) -- mapping of unrecognized stats to their measurement
  • dir_v2_tunneled_dl (dict) -- mapping of DirStat to measurement over ORPort
  • dir_v3_tunneled_dl (dict) -- mapping of DirStat to measurement over ORPort
  • dir_v2_tunneled_dl_unknown (dict) -- mapping of unrecognized stats to their measurement
  • dir_v3_tunneled_dl_unknown (dict) -- mapping of unrecognized stats to their measurement

Bytes read/written for directory mirroring:

  • dir_read_history_end (datetime) -- end of the sampling interval
  • dir_read_history_interval (int) -- seconds per interval
  • dir_read_history_values (list) -- bytes read during each interval
  • dir_write_history_end (datetime) -- end of the sampling interval
  • dir_write_history_interval (int) -- seconds per interval
  • dir_write_history_values (list) -- bytes read during each interval

Guard Attributes:

  • entry_stats_end (datetime) -- end of the period when stats were gathered
  • entry_stats_interval (int) -- length in seconds of the interval
  • entry_ips (dict) -- mapping of locales to rounded count of unique user ips

Exit Attributes:

  • exit_stats_end (datetime) -- end of the period when stats were gathered
  • exit_stats_interval (int) -- length in seconds of the interval
  • exit_kibibytes_written (dict) -- traffic per port (keys are ints or 'other')
  • exit_kibibytes_read (dict) -- traffic per port (keys are ints or 'other')
  • exit_streams_opened (dict) -- streams per port (keys are ints or 'other')

Hidden Service Attributes:

  • hs_stats_end (datetime) -- end of the sampling interval
  • hs_rend_cells (int) -- rounded count of the RENDEZVOUS1 cells seen
  • hs_rend_cells_attr (int) -- * attributes provided for the hs_rend_cells
  • hs_dir_onions_seen (int) -- rounded count of the identities seen
  • hs_dir_onions_seen_attr (int) -- * attributes provided for the hs_dir_onions_seen

Padding Count Attributes:

  • padding_counts (dict) -- * padding parameters
  • padding_counts_end (datetime) -- end of the period when padding data is being collected
  • padding_counts_interval (int) -- length in seconds of the interval

Bridge Attributes:

  • bridge_stats_end (datetime) -- end of the period when stats were gathered
  • bridge_stats_interval (int) -- length in seconds of the interval
  • bridge_ips (dict) -- mapping of locales to rounded count of unique user ips
  • geoip_start_time (datetime) -- replaced by bridge_stats_end (deprecated)
  • geoip_client_origins (dict) -- replaced by bridge_ips (deprecated)
  • ip_versions (dict) -- mapping of ip protocols to a rounded count for the number of users
  • ip_versions -- mapping of ip transports to a count for the number of users

* attribute is either required when we're parsed with validation or has a default value, others are left as None if undefined

Changed in version 1.4.0: Added the hs_stats_end, hs_rend_cells, hs_rend_cells_attr, hs_dir_onions_seen, and hs_dir_onions_seen_attr attributes.

Changed in version 1.6.0: Added the padding_counts, padding_counts_end, and padding_counts_interval attributes.

digest(hash_type='SHA1', encoding='HEX')[source]

Digest of this descriptor's content. These are referenced by...

  • Server Descriptors
  • Server Descriptors
    • Referer: ServerDescriptor extra_info_sha256_digest attribute
    • Format: SHA256/BASE64

Changed in version 1.8.0: Added the hash_type and encoding arguments.

  • hash_type (stem.descriptor.DigestHash) -- digest hashing algorithm
  • encoding (stem.descriptor.DigestEncoding) -- digest encoding

hashlib.HASH or str based on our encoding argument

class stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.RelayExtraInfoDescriptor(raw_contents, validate=False)[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.ExtraInfoDescriptor

Relay extra-info descriptor, constructed from data such as that provided by 'GETINFO extra-info/digest/*', cached descriptors, and metrics (specification).

  • str (ed25519_signature) -- base64 encoded ed25519 certificate
  • str -- signature of this document using ed25519
  • signature (str) -- * signature for this extrainfo descriptor

* attribute is required when we're parsed with validation

Changed in version 1.5.0: Added the ed25519_certificate and ed25519_signature attributes.

classmethod content(attr=None, exclude=(), sign=False, signing_key=None)[source]
classmethod create(attr=None, exclude=(), validate=True, sign=False, signing_key=None)[source]
digest(*args, **kwds)[source]
class stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor(raw_contents, validate=False)[source]

Bases: stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.ExtraInfoDescriptor

Bridge extra-info descriptor (bridge descriptor specification)

  • ed25519_certificate_hash (str) -- sha256 hash of the original identity-ed25519
  • router_digest_sha256 (str) -- sha256 digest of this document

Changed in version 1.5.0: Added the ed25519_certificate_hash and router_digest_sha256 attributes.

TYPE_ANNOTATION_NAME = 'bridge-extra-info'
classmethod content(attr=None, exclude=(), sign=False)[source]
digest(hash_type='SHA1', encoding='HEX')[source]