Tortoise and the Hare ===================== Controllers have two methods of talking with Tor... * **Synchronous** - Most commonly you make a request to Tor then receive its reply. The :func:`~stem.control.Controller.get_info` calls in the `first tutorial `_ are an example of this. * **Asynchronous** - Controllers can subscribe to be notified when various kinds of events occur within Tor (see the :data:`~stem.control.EventType`). Stem's users provide a callback function to :func:`~stem.control.Controller.add_event_listener` which is then notified when the event occurs. Try to avoid lengthy operations within event callbacks. They're notified by a single dedicated event thread, and blocking this thread will prevent the delivery of further events. With that out of the way lets see an example. The following is a `curses `_ application that graphs the bandwidth usage of Tor... .. image:: /_static/bandwidth_graph_output.png To do this it listens to **BW events** (the class for which is a :class:``). These are events that Tor emits each second saying the number of bytes downloaded and uploaded. .. literalinclude:: /_static/example/ :emphasize-lines: 53-55,62-67 :language: python Advanced Listeners ------------------ When you attach a listener to a :class:`~stem.control.Controller` events are processed within a dedicated thread. This is convenient for simple uses, but can make troubleshooting your code confusing. For example, exceptions have nowhere to propagate... .. literalinclude:: /_static/example/ :language: python :: % python start of broken_handler start of broken_handler start of broken_handler ... and processing events slower than they're received will make your listener fall behind. This can result in a memory leak for long running processes... .. literalinclude:: /_static/example/ :language: python :: % python processing a BW event that's 0.9 seconds old (0 more events are waiting) processing a BW event that's 4.9 seconds old (3 more events are waiting) processing a BW event that's 8.9 seconds old (7 more events are waiting) Avoid performing heavy business logic directly within listeners. For example, a producer/consumer pattern sidesteps these issues... .. literalinclude:: /_static/example/ :language: python :: % python I got a BW event for 20634 bytes downloaded and 2686 bytes uploaded I got a BW event for 0 bytes downloaded and 0 bytes uploaded I got a BW event for 0 bytes downloaded and 0 bytes uploaded