East of the Sun & West of the Moon ================================== The following is an overview of some of the utilities Stem provides. * :ref:`terminal-styling` * :ref:`multiprocessing` * :ref:`connection-resolution` .. _terminal-styling: Terminal Styling ---------------- Know what's better than text? Pretty text! OSX, Linux, BSD... really, everything except Windows supports terminal formatting through `ANSI escape sequences `_. Doing this yourself is easy, but we also provide a module to make it `even easier <../api/util/term.html>`_. | .. image:: /_static/words_with.png | .. literalinclude:: /_static/example/words_with.py :language: python .. _multiprocessing: Multiprocessing --------------- Python's `multiprocessing module `_ gives building blocks to parallelize around the `Global Interpreter Lock `_. However, honestly it's clunky to use. Ever just wanted to simply turn your threads into subprocesses? `We can do that <../api/util/system.html#stem.util.system.DaemonTask>`_. **Threaded** .. literalinclude:: /_static/example/fibonacci_threaded.py :language: python :: % python fibonacci_threaded.py took 21.1 seconds **Multi-process** .. literalinclude:: /_static/example/fibonacci_multiprocessing.py :language: python :: % python fibonacci_multiprocessing.py took 6.2 seconds .. _connection-resolution: Connection Resolution --------------------- Connection information is a useful tool for learning more about network applications like Tor. Our :func:`stem.util.connection.get_connections` function provides an easy method for accessing this information, with a few caveats... * Connection resolvers are platform specific. We `support several <../api/util/connection.html#stem.util.connection.Resolver>`_ platforms but not all. * By default Tor runs with a feature called **DisableDebuggerAttachment**. This prevents debugging applications like gdb from analyzing Tor unless it is run as root. Unfortunately this also alters the permissions of the Tor process /proc contents breaking numerous system tools (including our resolvers). To use this function you need to either run as root (discouraged) or add **DisableDebuggerAttachment 0** to your torrc. Please note that if you operate an exit relay it is **highly** discouraged for you to look at or record this information. Not only is doing so eavesdropping, but likely also a violation of wiretap laws. With that out of the way, how do you look up this information? Below is a simple script that dumps Tor's present connections. .. literalinclude:: /_static/example/utilities.py :language: python :: % python example.py Our platform supports connection resolution via: proc, netstat, sockstat, lsof, ss (picked proc) Tor is running with pid 17303 Connections: => =>